Richmond Hill Apostolic Church

Why attend church, when all services are available online? The answer is simple, because we are the church, and I am a part of the body of Christ, we don't just consume the online services, but we come together as a body of Christ to contribute to the cause and work the mission that Jesus hath given to us, and feel the warmth of fellowship within the body of Christ.

Richmond Hill Apostolic Church


The Whole Gospel to The Whole World by The Whole Church. Whether on land, on sea, or online, we are not ashamed of the gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God unto salvation.

Richmond Hill Apostolic Church


We value families both our physical and spiritual family. We value the work of God and the great commission, to preach the gospel to every creature.

Richmond Hill Apostolic Church


We see revival of many souls within the City of Richmond Hill and our church community being used by God as a catalyst of training, developing and sending labourers and leaders into His harvest. Starting new church plants and growing to multiply the same

9:30 AM & 5:00 PM

Morning worship starts at 9:30am and afternoon service is at 5:00pm, you are welcome to join the morning pre-service prayer at 9:00am. We are open and you can come as you are, just in case you can't make it, please see other programs as you can still come to pray 24/7 in the sanctuary.

Get Involved Today

Join one of our small group fellowships, enjoy the warmth of God's presence, and fellowship with the church family! Join Now


10 Newkirk Rd. Unit 11 Richmond Hill ON. L4C5S3



on 6-areas of GTA: Aurora, Richmond Hill, Stoufville, Maple/Woodbridge, Sheppard Group, Steeles/Bathurst


Everybody needs somebody to share with, build friendship and meaningful relationships. We invite you to join in one of our care groups in your area. (Please refer to schedule changes due to some restrictions)


There is always a place to serve, God, our families, the church and our communities.


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Our faith is based solely on the Word of God, and not on man-made beliefs. We believe that every practice we teach must be backed up by the Bible. You are welcome to contact us with any questions not answered in the following topics.

United Pentecostal Church International Ontario District Richmond Hill

There is only One Lord and One God, and His name is Jesus. He has revealed himself as the Father in creation, manifested as the Son of God for our redemption, and now he is in us as the indwelling Holy Spirit. Jesus is a true human being born of a virgin, thus made him qualified to be the only redeemer; But He is not just a mere man, He is the God manifested in flesh, who by His grace, was made in the likeness of man to ransom us from our sins.

We affirm that the Bible is the infallible and inspired Word of God, the final and ultimate authority. The source of all doctrine, instruction, correction and reproof. It contains all that is needed for guidance in godliness, even for our practical life, but most of all the blue print for our eternal salvation.

Salvation is founded in the grace of God, access by the faith of whosoever will, and believes in His name. Everyone needs to repent or else perish. We cannot deny the only saving name of Jesus, but rather confess that the only way to eternal life is through His name Jesus, we need call upon the name of the Lord in baptism in Jesus name being immersed in water with His name. For except a man be born of water and of the Spirit he cannot enter into the Kingdom of God. One must also be born of the Spirit and receive the gift of the Holy Ghost and live a Holy Life. They are not option per scripture but rather a command. (Please see & obey Acts 2:38)

The Holy Scripture teaches that all needs to repent, believe and obey the of gospel of Jesus Christ. We are commanded to be water baptized as a public profession of our faith by total immersion in the name of Jesus, a symbol of the Christ's death and burial, a declaration to the world that we have died from our sins, taking the only saving name of Jesus in baptism.

Now if any man have not the Spirit of Christ, he is none of his and except a man be born of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God. The Holy Ghost or the Holy Spirit is a promise to every tribe, nation and tongue. The birth of the church marks the last days and the fulfillment of the infilling of the Holy Ghost, accompanied by the evidence of speaking in tongues as the Spirit gives the utterance. The Holy Ghost baptism is available to receive and experience by anyone who believes on Jesus Christ.

Marriage is a covenant relationship established by God from the beginning, it is between a man and a woman, instituted by God as the foundation of family, community, nation and society.

We have our physical, biological, nurturing or our legal family on earth, and we also have our spiritual family the church. Jesus Christ declared once he was sought after his physical family; "who are my mother and my brethren?" Jesus then looking around, referred to the people, listening and doing His will, "behold my mother and my brethren".

Final judgment is coming in which the dead will be resurrected and judged according to their works. Everyone whose name is not found written in the Book of Life, along with the Devil and his angels, will be consigned to everlasting punishment in the lake of fire. Those whose names are written in the Lamb's Book of Life shall be forever be with the Lord Jesus Christ for all eternity.

Sermon on Demand

Access all of our past sermon & messages from our church's facebook live broadcast. Search by preacher, teacher, date, year or topic.

Visit Us

Richmond Hill Apostolic Church

10 Newkirk Rd Unit 11
Richmond Hill, ON L4C5S3


10 Newkirk Rd. Unit 10 & 11
Richmond Hill, ON L4C5S3

Service Hours

Tue.In-person Fri.In-person Sun.In-person
7:00p 7:30p 9:00a & 5:00p

Caregroup Areas

Aurora | Richmond Hill
| Steeles & Bathurst
| Sheppard & Keele